Restructuring is hard. Leaders who know how best to approach it can help their organizations emerge as strong as possible from a restructuring. ABIZCHANCELLOR assists clients in managing this daunting challenge. How ABIZCHANCELLOR’s Turnaround and Restructuring Consultants Help

Clients Renew Competitiveness

Our corporate restructuring services help companies focus on managing their liquidity and capital. The goal? To strengthen their balance sheets, boost cash flows, and transition out of survival mode.edIn for a collection of timely insights on enhancin

Our Holistic Restructuring Services

Our corporate restructuring services cover all aspects of a liquidity crisis—not just for companies experiencing corporate distress but also for healthy enterprises indirectly affected by distress.

Turnaround and Restructuring

We help clients excel at essential restructuring tasks, such as rapidly resetting strategies, managing liquidity (including 13-week cash forecasting), building a turnaround plan, handling complex capital structures, and managing stakeholders.

Chief Restructuring Officer

Advisors from ABIZCHANCELLOR’s vast network of restructuring consultants can serve as chief restructuring officers (CROs) or chief transformation officers (CTOs), or our clients may choose to team up with CROs and CTOs from our network.

Board Advisory

Our board advisory professionals specialize in activities critical to restructuring efforts, including governance structures and controls, financial decisions and directors’ duties, and stakeholder engagement and negotiations.

Accelerated M&A and Carve-Outs

Our restructuring consultants help clients prepare for sale analysis, manage commercial diligence and market-potential assessment, define deal parameters, liberate cash and working capital, and plan as well as execute carveouts.

Net Working Capital Management

To strengthen a company’s balance sheet, our advisors use digital tools and benchmarking to uncover and set targets for cash generation on such fronts as trade receivables and payables, inventories, and fixed assets.

Acquisition of Distressed Assets

For strong enterprises indirectly affected by corporate distress, we help identify and value prospective targets for acquisition, craft an acquisition strategy, and manage the complexities of cross-border transactions and out-of-court processes.

Supply Chain Stabilization

Our advisors partner with clients to assess the supply-continuity risk presented by corporate distress. They also directly support their most crucial suppliers to help mitigate risk.

Acute Performance Improvement

ABIZCHANCELLOR’s senior execution teams, drawing on our deep industry expertise, help clients generate performance improvements—in entire enterprises, business units, or divisions within larger companies—within a matter of weeks or months.

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