Our firm has an active Dispute Resolution Practice servicing a wide spectrum of domestic and cross border clients at various forums including the Supreme Court, High Courts, Civil Courts, Criminal Courts and regulatory bodies and tribunals including National Company Law Tribunal, National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Intellectual Property Appellate Board, Securities Exchange Board of India, Securities Appellate Tribunal, Adjudicating Authority –Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), Appellate Tribunal – PMLA, National & State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Appellate Tribunal for Foreign Exchange, Debts Recovery Tribunal, Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction and other forum.

Legal mediation services: Involve the use of a neutral third party to help resolve disputes between two or more parties. We help the parties to
communicate and negotiate with each other in an attempt to reach a mutually acceptable resolution to their conflict. This can be a quicker and less expensive alternative to going to court, and may be used in a wide variety of legal disputes, including family law, contract disputes, and workplace disputes. We facilitate communication and help the parties identify areas of agreement and disagreement. They may offer suggestions for possible solutions, but they do not make decisions for the parties. Instead, any agreements reached are made by the parties themselves. Mediation can have many benefits over traditional legal proceedings, including greater control over the outcome, reduced costs and time spent on legal proceedings, and the opportunity to preserve ongoing relationships. However, it is important to note that mediation is not always appropriate for every situation, and in some cases, legal action may still be necessary.

Arbitration services : Involve the use of a neutral third party, known as an arbitrator, to help resolve legal disputes between two or more parties. The parties agree to submit their dispute to the arbitrator, who makes a binding decision on the matter. This decision is legally enforceable, and the parties agree to abide by it. Our Firm provides for drafting of arbitration agreements representing clients in statutory and contractual arbitration proceedings according to the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and other international arbitration legislations including the ICC rules, LCIA and SIAC rules. Arbitration is often used as an alternative to traditional litigation in court,
particularly in cases involving complex legal issues or where the parties wish to avoid the time and expense associated with court proceedings. It may be used in a wide variety of legal disputes, including commercial disputes, construction disputes, and employment disputes. Arbitration can have many benefits over traditional legal proceedings, including greater privacy, flexibility in scheduling, and the opportunity to choose an arbitrator with expertise in the subject matter of the dispute.

Litigation services: Involve legal representation and advocacy in court proceedings to resolve disputes between parties. This may involve initiating or defending legal actions in district courts, high courts, or supreme courts, depending on the nature and complexity of the case. The services provided may include representation in various tribunals like:

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT): The ITAT is an independent statutory tribunal that deals with appeals against income tax orders and

National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT): The NCLT was established under the Companies Act, 2013 to handle disputes related to company law and insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings.

National Green Tribunal (NGT): The NGT was established in 2010 to handle cases related to environmental law and to provide speedy and effective remedies
for environmental damage and pollution.

Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT): The CAT was established to handle disputes related to recruitment, promotion, and service matters of central government employees.

Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT): The SAT is an appellate tribunal that handles appeals against orders and decisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB): The IPAB was established to handle appeals against orders and decisions of the Registrar of Trademarks, the Registrar of Geographical Indications, and the Controller of Patents.

Armed Forces Tribunal : Special court established in India to handle disputes and matters related to the Armed Forces.


Case analysis and assessment: We can help you assess the merits of your case and determine whether litigation is the best course of action.

Filing legal actions and pleadings: This involves preparing and filing legal documents with the court, such as a complaint or a defense.

Discovery and evidence gathering: Litigation involves a process of discovery where both parties exchange evidence and information relevant to the case. We can help you gather and organize evidence to support your case.

Representation in court: We can represent you in court proceedings, present your arguments and evidence, and cross-examine witnesses.

Negotiation and settlement: In many cases, litigation may be settled before it goes to trial. We can help negotiate a settlement that is fair and reasonable for both parties.

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